International sales law II: intensification (online course)

Are you taking full advantage of the CISG? 

Many lawyers are not au fait with the CISG and therefore excluding it. However, this means not only that they are missing out on opportunities, but it might also create a risk to be held liable for professional malpractice. André Janssen will discuss the CISG within the ‘International Sales Contracts II’ course. At the end of this, you will have a good understanding of international sales law and be aware of potential pitfalls. 

  • A clear overview of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)
  • Insight and understanding of the possibilities of the CISG
  • Focal points for drafting international purchase contracts 


About this course

About 80-90% of international sales contracts are covered directly by the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), also known as the Vienna Sales Convention. Almost all industrialised countrieshave acceded to this Convention. And more and more countries are signing up to the CISG, such as Saudi Arabia. In a few years, the number of contracting states will reach 100. Yet, despite the importance of the CISG, many lawyers are not au fait with the CISG and therefore excluding it. However, this means not only that they are missing out on opportunities, but it might also create a risk to be held liable for professional malpractice.  

This course will try to put an end to this ignorance of the CISG. The lecturer will discuss the main features of the CISG. He will talk about its scope, contract formation, the rights and obligations of the parties, and the legal remedies available. You will also be given tips on how to avoid some of the common mistakes and pitfalls, such as underestimating the examination and notification obligations set out in the CISG. The latest developments will also be addressed, of course, such as the impact of epidemics, embargoes and wars on international sales contracts. 

At the end of this course, you will have a good understanding of international sales law and be aware of potential pitfalls and common mistakes. 

This course is part of the Commercial Law programme.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • Legal thinking in the context of international contracts 
  • Drafting international contracts (including standard contract terms in an international contract scenario) 
  • Scope of the CISG 
  • Formation of international (purchase) contracts 

Target group

Lawyers, company lawyers, legal counsels, legal financial professionals

Quality assurance

The CPO is a certified training institute. Our courses are recognised by the Netherlands Bar.


Date and time
Thursday 14 November 2024 from 13:15 to 16:30
€ 370,- including digital course material (VAT exempt)
3 PE points the Netherlands Bar and 3 HQ PE points
Areas of law
Burgerlijk (proces)recht, Verbintenissenrecht

This course is part of the Altijd scherp-abonnement

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