Dispute Resolution between shareholders (online course)

Choosing the right procedure for shareholder disputes in 2025

There are various types of procedures for shareholder disputes. Bart Jan Hermans will be discussing these in the ‘Dispute resolution between shareholders’ course on 6 February 2025. In particular, he will focus on inquiry proceedings and the proposed new legislation on dispute resolution. After the course, you will have an understanding of the various procedures, the impact of proposed new legislation and key judgments on the duty of care. 

  • A structured and practical overview of the possibilities and risks of procedures for shareholder disputes. 
  • Insights into the duty of care towards minority shareholders.
  • A detailed look at proposed new legislation regarding dispute resolution. 


About this course

There are various types of procedures for shareholder disputes. How do you choose the most appropriate procedure to protect a shareholder’s rights? 

The lecturer will discuss in detail the various aspects of these procedures. What are the pros and cons, and where do the procedures overlap? In particular, he will discuss inquiry proceedings and the proposed new legislation on dispute resolution. He will also discuss several relevant judgments on due diligence obligations towards minority shareholders. What is the scope of the due diligence obligations under Article 2:8 of the Dutch Civil Code? The lecturer will apply legal doctrine and recent insights in case law to specific cases.  

After the course, you will have an understanding of the various procedures, the impact of proposed new legislation and key judgments on the duty of care. 

This course is part of the Commercial Law programme.

The course covers the following questions: 

  • What types of procedures are there for shareholder disputes? 
  • What are the pros and cons of these procedures? 
  • What claims may be brought? 
  • What powers does the Enterprise Chamber have to intervene?  
  • What can a shareholder do if they have a fundamental disagreement with another shareholder about the direction of the company? 
  • What can a minority shareholder do when a majority shareholder abuses their position? 
  • What are the options if a dispute within the company makes it difficult to obtain emergency funding? 
  • How can shareholders be forced apart if the relationship between them has irretrievably broken down? 

Target group

Lawyers, company lawyers, legal counsels, legal professionals in financial services

Quality assurance

The CPO is a certified training institute. Our courses are recognised by the Netherlands Bar.


Date and time
Thursday 6 February 2025 from 15:00 to 18:15
€ 370,- including digital course material (VAT exempt)
3 PE points the Netherlands Bar and 3 HQ PE points
Areas of law
Burgerlijk (proces)recht, Verbintenissenrecht

This course is part of the Altijd scherp-abonnement

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