Breach of contract (online course)

How can you ensure entitlement to remedies after a breach of contract?

This course covers notice of default, specific performance, contract termination, and damage compensation related to breach of contract. It includes Dutch Supreme Court rulings and highlights pitfalls like incorrect notices of default, which are crucial for remedies. 

  • Commercial law programme: tailored to legal experts with an international practice 
  • Abundant in interaction, insights and eye openers 
  • Learn today, apply tomorrow 


About this course

The course covers the notice of default, the doctrine of specific performance, the termination of contracts, and the compensation of damages. These subjects pertain to the performance of contracts, breach of contract, and the remedies and notices that follow a breach. The notice of default, the doctrine of specific performance, termination of contracts, and compensation of damages will be thoroughly discussed. 

The most notable developments are the Dutch Supreme Court rulings on termination (the Eigen Haard case) and the notice of default (the Fraanje/Alukon case).  

The pitfalls are manifold. The most notable pitfall is the failure to send a correct notice of default. This is the key to open all remedies. If the key is not applied correctly, the door towards the remedies – termination, compensation of damages or specific performance – may remain closed.  

After this course, you are able to follow the right steps in ensuring your entitlement to the remedies that follow the counter party’s breach of contract. 

This course is part of the Commercial Law programme.

Some of the topics covered:

  • Notice of default and its crucial role in remedies 
  • Doctrine of specific performance 
  • Termination of contracts 
  • Compensation of damages following a breach 
  • Notable Dutch Supreme Court rulings: Eigen Haard and Fraanje/Alukon cases

Target group

Lawyers, company lawyers, legal counsels

Quality assurance

The CPO is a certified training institute. Our courses are recognised by the Netherlands Bar.


Date and time
Thursday 19 September 2024 from 15:00 to 18:15
€ 370,- including digital course material (VAT exempt)
3 PE points the Netherlands Bar and 3 HQ PE points
Areas of law
Burgerlijk (proces)recht, Verbintenissenrecht

This course is part of the Altijd scherp-abonnement

With the Altijd scherp-abonnement, you have unlimited access to a wide selection of CPO’s courses and webinars. More information